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St. Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church has been a faithful worshipping community in Broughty Ferry for over 150 years.​


Our community is part of the 

Diocese of Brechin in 

The Scottish Episcopal Church,

which is itself a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.​  


For times when our community is not using it, we are pleased to accept enquiries from community groups seeking to use our church building.

Our church is wheelchair accessible.​​

picture of the exterior of St Mary's church
picture of the altar at St Mary's church

Next services​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wednesday 18th September​

  • ​10:30 am Service of Holy Communion (Said)

Sunday 22nd September

  • 8:30 am - Service of Holy Communion (Scottish Book of Common Prayer)

  • 11:00 am - Service of Holy Communion (Sung Eucharist

St Mary's News & Events

Guitar concert - Thursday 19th September

An entertaining and colourful solo guitar concert by the Guitar Whisperer Richard Durrant. Uncovering the beauty of Paraguayan music and sharing stories from the central southern cone of South America, Richard  also explains how all this began for him on a number 26 Brighton corporation bus.

Concert starts at 7.30 pm. Tickets £12.50  (includes glass of wine) available from Sue Rowe. 


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